Thursday 19 January 2023

Hello Everyone

Hello to everyone at Brinscoll St John's CE and Methodist Primary School - and welcome to your very own Patron of Reading page.

I'm Damian and I am delighted and excited to have been asked to be your Patron of Reading. I can't wait to visit school and to meet everyone for the first time. 

You're probably wondering 

"What on Earth is a Patron of Reading?"

That's a good question...

Well, it's an author (or an illustrator) that builds up a special attachment to a school in connection with books, reading and writing. 

You're probably also wondering 

"Who on Earth are you?"

That's another good question... I'm an author and I've written lots of books and visited lots of schools in Great Britain and abroad. I read lots of books too - and so does my wife, Vicky. She works in a library near where we live in Wales, so hopefully I can show you lots of interetsting books that you might not have seen before. 

You can find out more about me by having a look round my website. And you can ask me lots of questions when I come to visit school in March. I'm really looking forward to meeting you all and finding out what sort of things you like to read and do.

Keep coming back to this page because this is the place where I will leave mesages for you. I will be letting you know what I am reading, what I am writing and I will also let you know about some of the other things that I do.

This page is also the place where you can get in touch with me. I will let you know how to do that very soon. 

Bye for now...


What Are You Reading Right Now?

Hello everyone... I am very sorry that I have not written anything in my diary for a little while. I have had a very busy few months - I bet...